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  1. Supervision of Ongoing Management Process

  2. Institute Rent Collection System/Rent Roll

  3. Accounts Payable

  4. Financial Statements

  5. Monitor Occupancy — Weekly Occupancy and Status Reports

    1. Advertisement

    2. Leasing and Move-Ins

      1. By Unit Type and Unit Number

      2. Qualification

      3. Pending Move-Ins

    3. Move-Outs

      1. By Unit Type and Unit Number

      2. Reason for Move-Out

      3. Pending Move-Outs

    4. Schedule of Vacancy

      1. By Unit Type and Unit Number

  6. Marketing - Direct Mail campaigns, outside sales calls, target market demographic groups, selective cost effective advertising sources.

  7. Resident Profile — Tailored to purpose, typically unit number, unit type, resident name, number of occupants, household income, employers, distance to job and length of  tenancy. 

  8. Resident Survey — To determine performance level of staff and satisfaction level of residents.


  9. Unit by Unit Maintenance System

  10. Budgets

  11. Supervise Capital Expenditure Budget

  12. Assist with compliance of federal, state, and local regulations


  13. Assist with filing of insurance claims

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